Under New Authorship

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh (Ez 36:26).

The Law of Moses was written on tablets of stone.  By God’s wisdom we recognize that those tablets are a type of our former stone hearts on which the law was written. Hearts of stone are law-driven and find security and meaning in outer ordinances and regulations and can nothing else. They can but judge in accordance with appearances and are therefore disposed towards dividing everything in good and bad, right and wrong, black and white. Any law in whatever form it might appear is written on hearts of stone. Words such as “Should”, “Shouldn’t”, “Ought to” and “Must” are, not surprisingly, capitalized.

Not only has a change of kingdoms taken place in the new creation, but that stone heart with all its laws and regulations is removed forever by a mighty work of God. It is the Spirit’s privilege to write on hearts of flesh. Man, as typified by Moses, cannot write an iota on them. If outer laws still have dominion over us it is because our consciousnesses still aren’t aligned with the new reality of who we are.

Paradoxically, the Spirit applies the law to bring any deception to an end which asserts that we can live the new life by our own imagined powers. When thoroughly convinced that we are utterly dead resurrection takes place in our awareness and in our new discovered nothingness God becomes our allness.

In every now the Word writes on our hearts and we are thus epistles of Christ, not written with ink, but by the Spirit of the living God. When we are made ready the Spirit by a mighty sweep washes our consciousnesses clean from the influences that derive from the tree to knowledge of good and evil. From that moment onwards we make only righteous judgments because we recognize that we are inner driven under the authorship of the Spirit in all things.

Whenever we claim that the Word is static in that sense that it never seeks new ways of expressing itself we assert that still waters are healthy to refresh from. Each new day the Word expresses itself in newness as life unfolds in a multitude of ways in our hearts where we hear and see its creative powers by a perception trained in discerning liberty, and from that inner sanctuary it bursts forth and articulates itself in our conduct and demeanor in freedom from any law save its own inherent law of life.

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6 Responses to Under New Authorship

  1. Ole, you have struck upon one of my favorite verses Ezekiel 36:26. I love that he has given us a new heart. I also love that he will be the one to “cause us to walk in his statutes and keep his judgments, and do them” as found in v.27. Amazing! He has written his word on our new hearts and he is truly the doer! thank you brother for what you do. God bless.

    • Ole Henrik says:

      Thanks again for such a wonderful comment 🙂 I really like Young’s translation on this verse, because the Hebrew language has no future verb form:: “And My Spirit I give in your midst, And I have done this, so that in My statutes ye walk, And My judgments ye keep, and have done them.” It is done! Blessings!

  2. John C says:

    ‘If outer laws still have dominion over us it is because our consciousnesses still aren’t aligned with the new reality of who we are…when thoroughly convinced that we are utterly dead resurrection takes place in our awareness and in our new discovered nothingness God becomes our allness’.

    Simply astounding wording and communicating of the (liberating) truth to us bro as only you can, thx.

    Along these same lines, yesterday I noticed from Deut 1:39 where Moses was instructing the people who were about to enter into the ‘promised land’ saying that Joshua/Jesus/Yeshua would be the one to ‘lead them in’ saying something I’d never really seen before that ‘your little ones…which in that day who had no knowledge between good & evil, THEY shall go in, and unto them I will give it, and they shall possess it’. Then I hear Jesus in the NT saying…’unless you turn and become as a little child, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven’. Growing…down.

    • Ole Henrik says:

      Hi John! Great hearing from you again! I am always amazed by what you find in the Bible. I checked out that verse you are referring to and, wow, it says so! Incredible! What I saw in my spirit you confirm by that word, Awesome! Thanks again!

  3. Wow Ole,
    what Iread here encourages me so much. It seems that I am saying from my spirit the same things, at least in a small way. Paul said Col 2:6 “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,
    Col 2:7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” nkjv
    The Spirit is certainly teaching through you and Fred! Wonderful. Thank you.

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