Treading Deep Water

A deep and lasting understanding that we are Him in this world will never become ours in nice circumstances. Faith can only rise to the occasion when we encounter life in the bizarre, in the impossible, in the ugly. It is here the Spirit finally can make what we have seen afar off to be experimental in us. It was in the ugly event of killing his own son that Abraham’s faith reached its pinnacle seeing that his son would not stay dead. Abraham accounted that God was able to raise him up.

Those tensions that threaten to kill us are life in disguise. Standing as an unwavering pillar in us the Spirit propels us forward in spite of emotions and every sense of having lost control. His goal is the expansion of our awareness. How else can we handle that this messy vessel is God’s means of expressing Himself in this world? As He takes us through the motions, which are uniquely designed for each and every one of us, we become completely stripped bare from our inclinations towards judging everything in accordance with how they look to the natural eye. The circumstances we are in defy understanding and when we finally give up we ascend in our consciousness, and from now on we know that whatever we stand in we are Him in this world.

When the time has come to take us through the needle’s eye we soon discover that our former dwelling place is in ruin, consumed by flames coming from above judging our city into nothingness. It feels like we are running towards a goal not yet quite defined. We just know that we are put in motion by powers too big for us. Every step we take as we escape from the flames is a new insight which is meant to establish us in the unity which is already ours. But, we do not know so yet.

Keep your face forward; never turn your head beholding what formerly was your safe citadel. Dare to trust the Spirit’s revelations in you no matter how odd they might seem to the natural mind. To turn the head in unbelief is paralyzing. If you do you are stuck at that spot as a pillar of salt unable to move. Turn your head again and keep moving forward as the Spirit urges. Take the next step even though you are scared to the core. Dare to believe what is written; what no eye hath seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Don’t be discouraged or surprised if you are accused of being a devil promoting and doing the works of the evil one after you have reached the seventh day of rest. Even Jesus faced those charges when He stood up and declared that He and God are One. You will hear: We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is (John 9:29). Well, the truth is that you are taught by God and He has picked you and given you a voice in the similitude of David.

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8 Responses to Treading Deep Water

  1. Cindi Estep says:

    Yes. When we realize our union with Christ, we are not zapped out of life’s problems and placed in a bubble….what changes for us is how we are treated by others.. Rich Novek and I were speaking yesterday and He said that Christ was not persecuted until He proclaimed that He and the Father were ONE….that was when my persecution began also….But I Am of good cheer!!! I have the hope of glory within me!!!! Lovely word my Dear Ole Henrik!!

  2. Steve McVey says:

    Once again, wonderful insight, Ole Henrik. This one really encouraged me today! Thanks, my friend.

  3. John C says:

    Wow Ole! I see a darkness-shattering, piercing kind of strength, light, truth and holy audacity of sorts rising UP and shining THROUGH in star-like brilliance OUT of you my friend. I joyously anticipate each morning’s new Light/Post, to see what glorious Thing has dawned OVERnight (Jn 1:5).

    ‘The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, rule in the midst of Your enemies. Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the WOMB OF THE DAWN, Your youth (offspring) are to You as the dew of heaven’. Ps 110:1-3

    • Ole Henrik says:

      My dear dear friend!! Your words and blessing warmed me to the marrow! Thanks! You are an amazing guy, John! Those verses from that psalm spoke life to me. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. Bad is not always bad! Often a way to uncover the glory around us!! I like calling them “life in disguise” I was just talking to someone about these issues today! This is so well timed… I no longer believe life is a circle – but a straight line, with us keeping our feet moving forward with the strength of the message God has placed inside us. there is a deep sense of content with the message unfolding. With the strength God is giving from so many voices and directions… It is like God has said: “don’t worry, I have started this unveiling of myself and my always-was truth and the centrifugal strength of the force of my word will carry all forward and no one can stop it or turn it and it will complete its forward motion to the desired end coming from our my heart!” Often the goal is not quite defined – but God was before we understood anything and is in the middle of uncovering everything and will be at the end waiting for us saying it was always my plan.. everything is MINE so come on keep coming home!!!

    • Ole Henrik says:

      Your insights and the manner you share them are always so refreshing, Laura! You have a unique gift to see into the core of things. What a magnificent blessing to us who stand around you. This part comforted me deeply: “Often the goal is not quite defined – but God was before we understood anything and is in the middle of uncovering everything and will be at the end waiting for us saying it was always my plan.. everything is MINE so come on keep coming home!!!” Thanks Laura!!

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