Getting to the Bottom of Things

There is only One God, only One Self in the universe. It is the One who calls Himself the I AM (Exodus 3:14), and says, “I am God and there is none else . . . There is no other God beside Me” (Isaiah 45:21,22).

Through a period of much tension God has taken me to the bottom of things. He has had a distinct goal in mind as He has perfectly led me through all my ‘soul storms’.  The point is that it suddenly became crystal clear to me that one of the major temptations we face in our daily living is to accept guilt and condemnation. When we do, we believe the enemy’s bluff that we have an independent self that can act independently from God. There is only one power in the universe and sometimes He takes us along paths we do not understand and they often give us the impression that we somehow have slipped from Him. Every negative, every tension manifests in our lives so that we can be further settled in Him as us. My main point is that we are not to take either guilt or condemnation on the grounds I just gave.

There are no two warring natures in us. There are no two warring selves in us. There is only One Self. All that soul stuff we often have to endure is God taking us on new adventures in faith. Everything is willed by Him. Everything is meant by Him. Thus we take no condemnation and no guilt. This is the rock bottom total truth!

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16 Responses to Getting to the Bottom of Things

  1. Amy Cox says:


  2. Brian Coatney says:

    I’m constantly amazed that the negative is as negative as it is. Not to fight it, take guilt, or try to manage it is the miracle of our faith and God’s grace.

  3. DeeDee says:

    Wonderful, settling discovery, Ole! God has taken you through these difficult times in order to further reveal Himself within you. This IS union….that there is nothing IN us or that proceeds from us but Christ.

  4. Fred Pruitt says:

    Good word, good comments.

  5. Linda Keranen says:

    And thank you for this TRUTH, ALL IS OF AND FROM GOD! Easy to forget
    when the negatives appear but always knowing He is in it ALL loving us!

    Blessings, Linda

  6. Judy Lawrence says:

    Thanks Ole, I too am getting settled. What an adventure. I’m learning not to look on the appearance of things, just be still and know! It is finished!

  7. Tension is Great! says:

    I like that word you used, “tension”. I’m not an engineer, but I looked up the definition which states, “to apply a force to something which tends to stretch it”. Great, I thought, the strings on a violin must be tensioned to produce a beautiful sound; Likewise, a bowstring must be placed under tension to operate properly. So many things in nature must be placed under tension to function properly…Me, too. “Pressed from all sides, but not broken…”etc… Put a load on that spiritual muscle and watch it grow! Stand!

    I know, I know, I can hear all of you now: “that guy must be CRAZY?!” 🙂

  8. Ashley Hong says:

    Ole..Brilliant ..My Brother !!

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