The Good Shepherd

It is the good Shepherd who untangles us when we are stuck in guilt, shame and condemnation. It is He who woos and shepherds us out of the bushes where we have hid and who encourages us to rediscover our uniqueness and to boldly express our personhood in all things. The good Shepherd knows the route and His determination to never lose any of His, stands perpetually firm.

Our redeemed humanity is one of the gifts He has lavished upon us. It is within the realm of our liberated and again perfected humanity life unfolds itself unrestricted and in harmony with the Creator and everything created.

When the universe took form it was designed to yield to man as typified by Adam in naming all the animals. Even though we do not yet with our eyes see the full implications of a liberated and redeemed universe we behold it with our inner eyes which were healed when the veil was torn apart. Inner seeing by faith is in this temporal world our means of unbridled living approaching all things in newness and freshness.

The good Shepherd cannot but be attracted by our radiant beauty and He will persist in His work until we are fully persuaded by His opinion concerning our magnificent humanity. Love has taken command in us and we rest in its incessant and relentless strength, endurance and care giving. God’s original intent as He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world was to see a multitude of knower daughters and sons who by being partakers of Divine nature triumphantly enjoy the same infinite freedom in love as the triune fellowship enjoys.

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4 Responses to The Good Shepherd

  1. brian coatney says:

    This is a piece of divine poetry for sure.

  2. kelly martin-shirk says:

    i must agree with brian coatney – like a cup of cool water – thank you

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